A little digital update!!!

One small Step for Pingala... One giant leap for (all the bits and pieces)


So the story and journey below is quite simple.  With this in mind I'll begin on a completely different tangent, which happens alot, and those who know me well, know that this is a very common thing to ping off in a differnet direction so please bear with, it will all make sense, i think... 

Lets start here... Its our Birthday, Pingala's Birthday!! woop woop!! 15 years old, through recession, through Covid, through the ups and downs of business weve made it to 15 years!!

So sitting back and tucking into my 3rd coffee of the day, contemplating this milestone, (the years not the coffee!!!) and many others we've past in business and thinking how we've structured and re-structured the services, clearly defining the website and software sides it dawned on me... Pingala Media, Pingala Media, Media why Media, what is that telling everyone about us.  I looked out of my office window at the TV studio situated just next to the business/TV centre we have been based in for 14 of our 15 years and it started getting the cogs turning.  We are Pingala Media, based in TV Studio with other "Media" companies, production companies and we build digital solutions.  I wonder how many people over the years have seen the name, seen where we are based and thought hang on, these guys must be in TV...
Weve gotta change this up,  Pingala works, always has done, first recorded evidence of binary, indian philosopher etc etc, but we need to change Media.  The reason for "Media" has a place as im sure you all know (tangent moment) New Media was the name given to website develpment 15-20 years ago with many companies offering "New Media" as the new cool service to create a companies "Web/online presence". when everyone used to read out their website address "double U double U double U dot" incase the recipient wasnt aware of the 3 W's you need to type in first!!!! or as Brin would say "Whiskey With Water".
Anyway, back in the room now you've Googled Gavin and Stacey.  We own a few domains with Pingala variations so i thought, ahhh shouldnt take too long!!  just change the logo on the website and email address and job done.  With this "simple plan" to change Pingala Media to Pingala Digital i called Andy (business partner, not a random bloke or retired scottish tennis star).  After a chat through I realised that there is quite alot to consider with a rebrand, even with the simplicity of changing Media to Digital you forget that after 15 years your brand has spread far and wide across the web!!!  We share our brand all the time, our identity is used for social media, for tenders, for directories, charities, partnerships and collaborations, and these are the places we know about.  Then you have the emails!! oh the emails!!! the redirects, info@, support tickets, the staff's, Gmail, 3rd party signups etc etc its consuming, but also fascinating in equal measure.
So suffice to say Andy (not Murray) now has a few more grey hairs and I we now have Pingala Digital.  It reflects better on who we are, and our core identity plus we dont have Martin Scorsese badgering us to make his next movie (hes a friend of a friend but thats another story...).
So why tell you all this, and pinging off on random branches of my mind?  Branding can really reflect and effect who you are, so you should always challenge your brand and how it represents you and your business.  You may find it never changes, but thats not the point, the point is challenge it.  Your identity and reputation floods the internet, reaching further than you designed and to places you dont even know.  Make sure your brand is up to date, make sure the path back to your shop window is on point and refects exaclty who you are, then when they arrive at you site its strong, offers the right USP's and starts to build trust.  You just never know whos looking, whos wanting your products and services and if your brand is representing you in the best way.
I hope you like the change btw!!